Tagged "Web Development"

Image Upload and Metadata Extraction with Netlify Functions

This article discusses how to upload images using Netlify Functions, store them in Cloudinary and extract Exif metadata for further usage.

Container Queries Meet AI-Based Cropping

The long-awaited CSS feature has finally landed behind a flag in Chrome Canary. In this article, we will take a look at an example of using them in conjunction with a clever, AI-based cropping solution from Cloudinary.

Creating an Automated Social Share Card Using Cloudinary and Eleventy

Social share cards are a great addition to any website, however building them manually could be challenging. This article discusses how to create them in an automated way, and it also introduced a plugin that can be used with Eleventy.

Three-State Light/Dark Theme Switch

Light and dark mode options are frequently added to websites; however, most solutions implement it as two-states, righteously. In this post, we'll take a look at a better, three-state approach.

Understanding Lazy-Loading in Popular Frontend Frameworks

Lazy-loading is a concept that allows us to defer the loading of certain components to eliminate potential performance bottlenecks. This article discusses lazy-loading techniques for popular frontend frameworks.

The holy trinity of the CSS

Explaining the three basic CSS positioning models in order to understand the concept of CSS.

The Cornerstones of HTML

Inspection of different pillar elements of HTML and the importance of them. Including topics like images, divs, forms, different tags and other key elements of HTML.

The Importance of Media Accessibility (m16y)

This article discusses how to make modern, visual websites more accessible for visitors having visual impairments. We have coined this 'media accessibility' or 'm16y'.

The three rendering musketeers: server-render, client-render and pre-render

Today there are three popular rendering mechanism used: server-side rendering (SSR), client-side rendering (CSR) and pre-rendering. This article reviews how they differ from one to the other.

Basic Internet Knowledge - Internet 101

Useful informations for beginners, about how the workings of the internet, including topics such as IP addresses, webservers and more.

What's new in HTML 5.2 and HTML 5.3?

In this article, we'll review the latest proposed additions to HTML - more precisely we'll discuss HTML 5.2 and HTML 5.3.

HTML Attributes vs DOM Properties

When working with various JavaScript frameworks, or only just by working in the field of web development, newcomers and novice developers often confuse attributes and properties concerning HTML pages. In this article, we'll clarify the difference between these two.

Quién es full stack (web) developer?

En este artículo vamos a tratar de responder una pregunta muy importante: quién es un desarrollador full stack?

What is semantic versioning?

In this article we are discussing what semantic versioning is.

What is CORS?

Cross-Origin Resources Sharing (CORS) is a security protocol implemented by browsers. See how to avoid running into CORS errors via this article.